Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Gobble Gooble Sip It

Ahhhh, Thanksgiving. Is there a better day to sit back, relax, eat well and sip suds? Not that I can think of. Great football, solid weather, and a nip in the air as the sun sets, lends itself to a roaring fire. If you are fortunate enough to love your family and enjoy spending time with those mutts, well this is your day. Sure we might get overserved and bring up some history that should have burried long ago, maybe we go toe to toe with a brother or tell a sister in law to take that drum stick and beat it but we must focus on the good and there is plenty of good to be thankful for.

Thank you early European Settlers, for taking that maiden voyage. Plymouth has OS, Pilgrams and a whole lot of history. Thank you Wampanoag for showing us the ways of America. Thank you for the land, the seeds and of course, the peace pipe pouch. You never thanked us for taking your land, driving you west and those foreign viruses. Don't mention it. We are all square with the casino gig.
Honestly, if I think about that I will get depressed...and thats not what this holiday is about.

Its about doing the right thing. Its about being Thankful for a productive year, for a bountiful harvest and a strong community. Take that anyway you want, but just stay positive, be helpful to others and Give Thanks. Keep Sipping, Keep Smiling and have a Happy Thanksgiving.