Friday, October 3, 2008

Deja vu all over again...

Oct. 3rd 1995: OJ Simpson verdict: 'Not guilty'
OJ Simpson has been found not guilty of the murders of his ex-wife Nicole and her friend Ronald Goldman.

1994: Bush and that ding bat, Dan "A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls" Quayle, screw up the election and give the White House to some silver tongued devil with no experience.

1994: The OC goes belly up on risky credit derivatives...

NYT December 8th 1994

The sudden plunge of Orange County, Calif., into bankruptcy shook the market for public borrowing across the country yesterday, threatening to make it more expensive for many localities to borrow. It also left some Wall Street firms facing the potential of big losses.

And it served as a warning of how rapidly new and popular financial strategies can sour, leaving an apparently prosperous county unable to pay its bills.

Orange County, a suburban area south of Los Angeles that is more than twice the size of Long Island's Nassau County, filed for bankruptcy late Tuesday, after heavy borrowing and risky investments in its investment pool turned into big losers as market interest rates rose.

Oh yeah and 90210 was the big new show. And Brian Austin Green (David) was waiting for Donna (Tori Spelling) to give it up.

But we have all learned from our mistakes.


OJ is on trial for only threatening to kill someone.

A different Bush is screwing up the election for McCain and some ding bat that thinks having Putin fly over her house is diplomacy.

Mortgage derivatives and exotic trades that no one understands are driving the US into the abyss.

And 9-OH is the hot new show. Brian Austin Green in bangin' Megan Fox and waitin' for her to marry him.

Smells like teen spirit to me.

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